Where are you going, where have you been?
You know how when you're trying to think up an e-mail address on Yahoo or something, and all the good words you want are taken, and you flip through the dictionary for hours and end up choosing something stupid just to get things moving? Well, that sometimes happens with blogs, too. I've never really liked the name of my blog, but, duh, it needed a name and, sadly, everything I could think of at the time was already taken. But I've been thinking about changing it for a while. And, now that I'm starting to get a few more readers, I've decided that I should totally confuse them all and maybe make them go away by changing the address of my blog. So, listen up: you can now find me at http://wittyretort.blogspot.com. Please feel free to bring a covered dish or a bottle of wine. Okay, forget the covered dish.